843 Gilman St. Berkeley, CA 94710 - 510-558-0765

Pianos Plus has been exceeding customer expectations in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 40 years. We have built a rich tradition of service to the community and to our valued customers. In 2021 Pianos Plus was purchased by R. Kassman Piano of Berkeley. We continue the legacy that we worked very hard to accomplish. Pianos Plus assures its customers the best service from a knowledgeable sales staff. We also have the lowest prices on a huge selection of some of the world’s most sought-after and highest-quality instruments.
R. Kassman Piano is delighted with this merger because Pianos Plus has always been known for a great rental program that is the beginning stages of buying a nice high-quality piano for the home and long-lasting impression of the very best there is to offer in the piano industry. R. Kassman and Pians Plus started the same year with Mr. Bob Ingle and Mr. Russell Kassman. They were friends and competitors that enjoyed a very good relationship with each other. It’s a marriage made in heaven.
Feel free to call us for more information at 510-558-0765
If email is easier please email rico@rkassman.com
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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.